Privacy Policy

Data Collection:

  • Launch Base Africa collects minimal personal information for user accounts and newsletter This may include names, email addresses, and job titles.

Purpose of Data:

  • Collected data is used solely for communication, personalized content delivery, and improving user Launch Base Africa does not sell or share user data with third parties without explicit consent.

Cookies and Analytics:

  • Launch Base Africa uses cookies and analytics tools to enhance website functionality and gather anonymous data for improving content and user

Third-Party Links:

  • Launch Base Africa may contain links to third-party Users are advised to review the privacy policies of these external sites, as Launch Base Africa holds no responsibility for their practices.

Security Measures:

  • Launch Base Africa employs industry-standard security measures to protect user However, no online platform is entirely risk-free, and users are encouraged to take their own precautions.

Opt-out Options:

  • Users can opt-out of newsletters and communications at any Additionally, users can manage cookie preferences through browser settings.

Policy Updates:

  • Launch Base Africa may update its privacy Users will be notified of changes, and continued use of the platform constitutes acceptance of the updated policy.

Contact Information: